
Sustainability Projects Fund
The Sustainability Projects Fund has been created to help promote and build a culture of sustainability at McGill, with the primary purpose of the fund to create opportunities for the McGill community to actively engage in sustainability initiatives on campus.
For more information, please visit:
Social Equity and Diversity Education Office
The Social Equity and Diversity Education Office is committed to fostering a fair and inclusive environment that respects the dignity of each member of the McGill Community. By actively educating, heightening awareness, and providing opportunities for dialogue about equity and diversity-related issues, we strive to strengthen the Community in our shared responsibility toward a truly equitable society.
For more information, please visit:
First Peoples' House
The First Peoples' House is dedicated to providing support for First Nations (status and non‐status), Inuit and Métis students at McGill, by establishing a sense of community and a voice to Aboriginal students who have left their home communities in order to pursue their education.
For more information, please visit:
Community Outreach Coordinator
The Community Outreach Coordinator/ Career Advisor works collaboratively with First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities across Canada on- and off- reserve in an effort to connect with youth, prospective university students and their families to promote higher education and McGill University. This outreach extends to high schools, school boards, Band education centres and career fairs.
For more information, please visit:
Indigenous Access McGill
Indigenous Access McGill is a McGill support program for First Nations and Inuit students in Social Work, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Dietetics and Speech and Language Pathology.
For more information, please visit:
Personal and Cultural Enrichment Program (PACE)
The Personal and Cultural Enrichment Program (PACE) in the McGill School of Continuing Studies is a forum for exploring topics of interest for personal enrichment, to assist in life transitions or to gain practical skills to apply to your daily life. PACE workshops, lectures and sessions are exceptional learning opportunities and emphasize an interactive format. PACE facilitators are drawn from an extensive pool of academic, artistic, and professional talent who bring their respective expertise to an informal learning environment.
For more information, please visit:
Students Society of McGill University
For more information, please visit:
Post-Graduate Student Society
The PGSS is the representative body for graduate students and post-doctoral fellows at McGill University. Through the PGSS Council, the highest governing body of the PGSS, representation throughout the McGill governing structures is organized. The PGSS coordinates numerous services, activities, and benefits for its members.
For more information, please visit:
Aboriginal Law Students' Association
L'association étudiante pour les droits des peuples autochtones est un groupe d'étudiants en droit à l'université McGill qui s'engage à sensibiliser le public sur les enjeux juridiques touchant les peuples autochtones au Canada. Aboriginal Law Students Association members also seek to expose students at the faculty to the legal traditions of Aboriginal peoples in Canada. ALSA is a non-hierarchical club open to everyone.
For more information, please visit:
Indigenous Student Association
Indigenous Student Association
For more information, please visit:
Facebook Group Page
Métis National Council
Since 1983, the Métis National Council has represented the Métis Nation nationally and internationally. It receives its mandate and direction from the democratically elected leadership of the Métis Nation's governments from Ontario westward. Specifically, the MNC reflects and moves forward on the desires and aspirations of these Métis governments at a national and international level.
Overall, the MNC's central goal is to secure a healthy space for the Métis Nation's on-going existence within the Canadian federation.
For more information, please visit:
The Native Friendship Centre of Montreal
The Native Friendship Centre of Montreal is an autonomous non-profit, non-sectarian community development agency pledged to promote, develop, and enhance the quality of life in the Urban Aboriginal community of Montreal.
The NFCM has been in operation for over 38 years as a Friendship Centre. As Montreal's only service, resource and referral center with the mandate to support Aboriginal people and their families, it assists them in grappling with medical, social, legal, educational and work-related issues in a cultural context.
Today the Centre offers a variety of essential social services including a drop-in center, urban referral, outreach programs, street patrol, legal and social advocacy, social and cultural activities and a youth centre.
For more information, please visit:
Inter-Tribal Youth Center
The Inter-Tribal Youth Center is a project of the NFCM, established since 1999. The ITYC was created to target Aboriginal youths (ages 12-29) in Montreal by providing them a safe, welcoming, and non-judgemental environment where there are a variety of activities aimed to improve their livelihood.
Many of our First Nations, Métis, and Inuit youths, come from a variety of backgrounds such as the Arctic North and even from urban Montreal. This population consistently faces the challenging conditions of urban environments such as hunger, homelessness, prejudice, and unemployment.
For more information, please visit:
Kanien'kehá:ka Onkwawén:na Raotitióhkwa Language and Cultural Centre
The mission of Kanien'kehá:ka Onkwawén:na Raotitióhkwa, a vital and dedicated catalyst for community change, is to lead and support all Kahnawa'kehró:non to practice, maintain, respect, renew, and enhance Kanien'kéha language, beliefs, values, customs and traditions through the development, delivery, and sharing with all peoples, cultural and educational activities which will ensure the continued existence of our present and future generations as Kanien'kehá:ka.
For more information, please visit:
McCord Museum
The McCord Museum is one of the most important historical museums in Canada. It celebrates Montréal life past and present—its people, its artisans, its communities, its metropolitan area. Through a contemporary approach, the Museum presents exciting exhibitions that appeal to people from here and elsewhere. It also offers educational and cultural activities and innovative Internet projects.
For more information, please visit:
Teesri Duniya Theatre
Teesri Duniya Theatre is dedicated to producing socially and politically relevant theatre that supports a multicultural vision of society, promoting interculturalism through works of theatre, and creating theatrical styles based on the cultural experiences of visible minorities living in Canada. The company believes that culturally diverse theatre and artists are an integral part of the theatre landscape of the country. The company is committed to multiethnic casting and stories.
For more information, please visit: